Daily Archives: June 15, 2007

Dish Rag Tag


Click the button to find out more about this fun competition from Emily over at Yarn Miracle!  I’m not usually Ms. Competitive, but this sounds like a blast:  a dishcloth knitting relay with teams from all over the US (Possibly Canada!).  But if you’re interested, check it out and sign up now!  She’s limiting it for very sane reasons to 200, and as of today (within 3 days of her announcing the idea) almost 100 had signed up (I’m sure more now–I’m one!).

Kickoff is August 1st for the contest/swap, and signup deadline is July 15, but it will be full long before that. 

So if you’re a competitive knitter, or just like dishrags/dishcloths/washcloths/warshrags, check it out!

Tour de Knit Chicago Day 4

All good things must come to an end. No knitting ‘events’ on day 4 (I admit I was getting spoiled!).

We slept in a little, got organized, had brunch at The Cheesecake Factory downtown, ransomed our car from captivity, and drove home (Thanks, Dad, for letting us borrow the Hybrid! Huge difference in gas consumption!), while I worked on Pink Fuzzy in the car — finished second sleeve and the long I-cord tie. We saw “Pirates of the Caribbean” on the way home, as we were trying to meet up with a friend in Central Wisconsin and had time to kill. I quietly worked on the prayer shawl during the movie, as Pink Fuzzy’s slippery yarn is a slow go even when light is adequate.

I was glad to see my garden again. So many summer flowers are about to bloom, and some already are. I’ll add in photos later today.

Here one is:


But what a great knitting road trip! Once again, thank you, Chicago!