Monthly Archives: November 2009

Flower Salvage

I was at a local apple and pumpkin and cider stand recently, and they had a rack of sad-looking bedding plants greatly marked down; some perennials, some annuals.  Some had already clearly been affected by a hard frost.  I figured, for only a couple bucks, I’d take a chance on a yarrow with silvery foliage, and also something missing its tag that seems to be in the dianthus/carnation family.  When I got to the cash register, they threw them in for free!

The dianthus is inside, but the yarrow is outside since I thought I’d try to plant it next to our heated garage before the weather changed.  Or not; perhaps it will come inside too until the spring.  In the meantime, it’s an unexpected late fall bloom as I go in and out of our door.


This weekend’s weather is predicted to be unseasonably mild and even sunshiney one day.  Time to get out in the garden one last time!