Daily Archives: June 29, 2007

Not all who wander are lost

Dummy me, I forgot to ask the corn snake if she’d seen the missing fingerless glove.

It was wandering —  under her terrarium.  Maybe she was cold — she’s cold-blooded after all.  (We’ll ignore the fact that it was subtropical temperatures here a few days ago.)

So that allowed me to finish the fingerless gloves and get them off to Sheri kind of on time!finished-fingerless-gloves.jpg

Ignore the fact that these look like they’re for a lobster.  They look much better on!  If I used this yarn again for this , I’d do a fingerless glove with just a thumbhole, as I most often do, or I’d do an afterthought thumb because I find the change in color pattern on the hand distracting.  Ah well.

Today is the first Clue for Mystery Stole 3!  (Click on the sidebar button for more info.)  Melanie got the clue out in the wee hours, I think to diminish the morning stampede, and some excited and/or transatlantic knitters have already finished the first chart.  I didn’t think to look this morning before work (always following rules! I knew it wouldn’t be out that early so why look?) and then, though I took my yarn and beads to work, I forgot my preferred needles.  So I will have to wait till tonight to cast on.   The parts people have already done look awesome.   Remember, you can still sign up until July 6th, but not after — lots of people haven’t started yet, due to holidays, waiting for yarn, etc, so if you’re interested, you won’t be behind!

Eyecandy Friday:
